Random Kokkoro pic. 1 base illustration + facial expression + licking + sweat variation combinations (8 total) コッコロ。 1枚+表情+舐め+汗差分/全8枚 Read more…
The Nikke gamers! Clockwise they’re of course Elegg, Exia, Maiden, and Trony. The aspect ratio makes this fitting for a wallpaper so the regular size versions are resized different than usual. 1 base illustration + semen + sweat variation combinations (4 total) Nikkeのゲーム仲間。 時計回りにはもちろんエレグ、エクシア、メイデン、トロニー。 1枚+体液+汗差分/全4枚 Read more…
Suddenly got the urge to draw mesugaki so churned this out. There’s a Syuen fisting pic already scheduled for next month but couldn’t wait 😔 Randomly designed original character. 1 base illustration + facial expression + micro bikini + cross-section + nakadashi + sweat variation combinations (40 total) — 突然生意気なメスガキ描きたかったのでオリジナルメスガキ描きました。… Read more…
So this last VIP Request wasn’t requested by anyone in particular, but is instead a reward specifically for those who choose not to submit a request to give everyone else a chance. The people who frequently commissions and leaves large tips. Thank you for your support! The people who frequently… Read more…
Hi, thank you for your support! Here are this month’s plans. For the rest of the year I plan on going hard on original projects. After this manga attempt I really want to finally work on that animated VN idea. If things get too busy I’m considering raising commission prices… Read more…
How to draw manga… The pages don’t look the way I envisioned… 🧐 Anyway, here’s 1 WIP page on what will be a short 4 page original manga project. No ero on this page. The story is going to be ridiculous, stay tuned 👀 — 漫画どうやって描くんだよ… 理想と違う! 4ページする予定。 ネームまでは出来上がり。 頭おかしいエロ話です。👀… Read more…
Yui and Ritsu from K-ON as requested by two longtime supporters as part of this year’s supporter appreciation event! Thank you for your support! Since the requests shared the same series I thought to release them together. 2 base illustrations + nopan(stocking) + undressed variations (3+3 total) 長年支援し続けた2人のご主人様がリクエストしたけいおんの唯と律!同じシリーズのリクエストので同時投稿しました。支援ありがとうございます! 2枚+ノーパン(スト)+全裸差分/全3+3枚 Read more…
Commissioned illustration of Phantom Thief Lapin from Gochiusa! 1 base illustration + stockings + wink + nopan + fluid variation combinations (28 total). コミッションで描いたごちうさの怪盗ラパン! 1枚+ストランキング+ウィンク+ノーパン+体液差分/全28枚 EDIT: The initial release had a clipping issue. I’ve updated the release package with the fixed version. Read more…
Commissioned illustration of the client’s original character! 1 base illustration + facial expression + undressed variation combinations (8 total) コミッションで描いた依頼人様のオリジナルキャラクター! 1枚+表情+全裸差分/全8枚 Read more…
VIP request of supporter stifledyawn’s OC as part of this year’s supporter appreciation event. Thank you for your years of support! 1 base illustration + glasses variation (4 total) 今年の支援者様感謝祭のリクエストのひとつ。 そのご主人様のオリジナルキャラクター。 長年の支援ありがとうございます! 1枚+メガネ差分/全4枚 Read more…